Monday, June 18, 2007

8 Things About Me

OK, I was "tagged" by MorningSong. I thought that meant I was out, but I guess different rules apply in blog world. Here goes...

1. I am the oldest of three, we are all 18 months apart. I was born exactly 8 months and 20 days after my parents were married. Hmmmm...

2. I can eat anything except olives and anchovies.

3. It took me 8 years to finish a 4 year degree. I have 168 credit hours, it takes 128 to graduate.

4. I am a rabid NY Yankee and LSU Tiger fan. I hate the Red Sox and any team from Alabama. Did I mention I live in Alabama?

5. I just got a BlackBerry and am now a crackberry addict. My thumbs hurt.

6. I wear a goatee to hide the double chin.

7. At one point, every member of my family owned a different restaurant. About 2 years ago I got out of the business. I still love to cook and create new dishes and cannot cook for just the 4 of us, my co-workers love it.

8. I love being my kid's Dad and my wife's Husband - it is my lifes work.

That was tough, but thanks for the tag. It made me think past noon for a change.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The first and possibly the last...

So, my wife is neck deep into this blogging world and I have no idea what the appeal is to spill your guts on the "interweb". But here goes, let's begin with a little history, back in the day I was known as Be Phat. Why, I don't know for sure, maybe it was a passing craze. I named a business that we had called Be Phat Vending. It gave a mixed message to many as we were selling Snickers and low fat crackers in the same machines.

Now that I am older and wiser, I am now known to my co-workers as P-2. It was given to me at our company's national convention last October. I can't tell you what it means unless you are given a "call sign" by our group. Anyway, I will probably never write again since I do not have much to say. I use all of the 200 words I know by noon everyday. Most of those are repeated a number of times.

So, visit or don't. I will still read yours and most of all I will read what my wife will be writing on my behalf. She is really good at this!
